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Here’s how the Festive Express works:
  1. 1 A different offer will be revealed at the top of this page each time the Festive Express arrives at the station.
  2. 2 Each offer has a variety of festive prizes to be won, including cash and Free Spins.
  3. 3 Come back and check this page to see if the next offer has arrived!
Promotional Period
09:00 GMT on 01/12/2023 until 23:59 GMT on 04/12/2023
Pick and Win
00:00 GMT on 05/12/2023 until 23:59 GMT on 07/12/2023
Mystery Gift
00:00 GMT on 08/12/2023 until 23:59 GMT on 11/12/2023
Battle of the Baubles
00:00 GMT on 12/12/2023 until 23:59 GMT on 14/12/2023
Snowy Missions
00:00 GMT on 15/12/2023 until 23:59 GMT on 18/12/2023
£25,000 Festive Giveaway
Significant Terms and Conditions
  • This promotion runs on Casino and Games from 09:00 GMT on 1st December until 23:59 GMT on 22nd December 2023.
  • A Casino or Games offer will be revealed at the top of this page when the Festive Express arrives at the station. Please see individual offer Terms and Conditions for specific promotional periods.
  • Each offer is independent and has individual wagering requirements, prizes, crediting periods and Terms and Conditions. More information can be found on the relevant offer page which is only accessible via the button at the top of this page during the corresponding promotional period.
  • This offer is only available to new and eligible customers.
Full Offer Terms and Conditions
  • This promotion runs on Casino and Games from 09:00 GMT on 1st December until 23:59 GMT on 22nd December 2023.
  • A Casino or Games offer will be revealed at the top of this page when the Festive Express arrives at the station. Please see individual offer Terms and Conditions for specific promotional periods.
  • Each offer is independent and has individual wagering requirements, prizes, crediting periods and Terms and Conditions. More information can be found on the relevant offer page which is only accessible via the button at the top of this page during the corresponding promotional period.
  • This offer is only available to new and eligible customers. You can see a full list of your available offers by logging in and selecting the Offers section. bet365 maintains a record of customer contact in relation to eligibility for offers and this record, including the date and time of any restrictions being imposed, will be final in the event of any dispute.
General Information
  • Estes termos e condições devem ser lidos em conjunto com os nossos Termos e Condições Gerais.
  • Any prize/bonus amounts offered will be calculated using bet365’s currency multiplier table applicable at that time. You can view bet365’s currency multiplier here.
  • All customer offers are limited to one per person. If bet365 has reasonable grounds to suspect that the bonus or offer is being claimed by or for the benefit of the same person more than once or by a group of people then it may withdraw the availability of any offer or all offers to that customer or group of customers and/or void any wager funded by the bonus and remove any winnings from such wager.
  • Na eventualidade de qualquer termo da oferta ser quebrado, ou caso existam provas de uma série de apostas feitas por um cliente ou grupo de clientes que, devido a um bônus de depósito, pagamentos ajustados ou qualquer outra oferta promocional, resultem em lucros garantidos para o cliente, independentemente do resultado, quer individualmente ou como parte de um grupo, a bet365 poderá recuperar o bônus ou pagamento ajustado de tal oferta, anular qualquer aposta financiada através da oferta e/ou remover qualquer ganho de tal aposta. Adicionalmente, quando existir evidência de tal atividade, a bet365 poderá cobrar uma taxa de administração ao cliente que pode ir até ao valor do bônus ou pagamento ajustado, em função dos custos administrativos incorridos em identificar e realizar ação a respeito dessa atividade.
  • bet365 may reclaim any prize that has been awarded in error.
  • bet365 may, at any time, make minor amendments to this promotion to correct typos or to improve on clarity or customer experience and may cancel or restrict this promotion for legal, regulatory or technical reasons.
  • Employees, officers and directors of bet365, its promotional or other agencies, licensees and licensors, service providers and any other associated or affiliated companies shall not be eligible for the promotion. The same terms shall apply to the direct families of such persons.